I have a new idea for something that would really help me get organized. As some of you may or may not know, I have a thing for organization. Well, rather, I have a thing for thinking about organization. I like to imagine how much better and more successful I would be if I would just get my shit together and get organized.
This idea is gold though. The sort of thing that someone like me sees as some kind of a Holy Grail if you will. The sort of thing that combines all of those other, lesser plans for organization into one singular, uber-organizational beacon of light. A life binder. Yep, a giant binder with the tools to keep my entire life in a state of organization. I would include things like these:
- Christmas/Holiday card list
- Birthdays, Anniversaries, Quirky Holidays, Important Events (imagine being that person who sends a card for EVERYTHING, on time, to the right people...*sigh*)
- Goals/Financial Goals (you know, move, buy a house, buy a new car, etc.)
- Vet Records
- Grocery Lists and Coupons
- Current bills and expenses, with updatable calendars, pockets to hold the last 12 months of invoices and records of payment). There would also be an At-A-Glance page to look at.
- Projects (current, future, priority)
- Vehicle service records and lists of things that I'd like to do to my car
- Wish lists
- Lists, lists, lists and more lists. I really like lists. They make me feel organized
This binder would be in addition to my regular yearly planner that I carry everywhere with me and oooooh and aaaaaaaahh at.