24 April 2009

Things I Need to Do Tonight: A List in B Minor

To be done tonight, whether I feel like it or not! :)

1. Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats
2. Shop for chili ingredients
3. Make chili
4. Clean out fridge so big chili pot will fit tonight
5. Work on tattoo site images
6. Shower-unless I want to wake up SUPER early tomorrow morning. Not going to happen.
7. Punch the assholes who put baby puppies in a plastic bag in Windsor. If you assholes do a google search and come up with this blog-it is ON. People like you deserve to have terrible, terrible things to happen to you. I'd be happy to oblige.
8. *ahem* If I can, play new character in Fallout
9. Get ready to kick ass at the chili cook-off.
10. More chapters of CSS

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